A New Life – A New Adventure

Easy_b1 This is my friend Easy. He got his name because of his temperament and his affection towards humans. A healer in a all black kitty body since Day One. He is almost canine like in his habits and attitudes. He won’t play fetch, but he’ll certainly greet you when you arrive at his home and make sure you feel as much love as he’d like from you. For a male kitty, he does little hunting preferring to wait until a bird happens by before nabbing it and presenting it to his human or even a guest as I often was.

I first believed that Easy was the healer. I even wrote about it when he came back as my friend’s kitty in spirit, Miss Maddie. I wrote about it here. But turns out, I was wrong, Easy and his litter mate Stella are both healers.

Easy, Stella, and their mom moved yesterday for a new life adventure. They’re off for a different part of the state. Easy and Stella have new humans on which to do their magic. They were born at a time when many kitties came back to the planet to help us. We humans are so smart, we don’t realize we need a lot of help from animals while we complete the shift that has been slowly happening this past few years.

Stella_a Stella is an obvious member of the “OCC” or “Orange Cat Contingency” a terms coined by Penelope Smith, the woman who almost single-highhandedly brought animal communication to the public’s awareness. She certainly taught many of us we were more than capable. Anyway, Penelope has long believed (and I do too) that there is something spiritually special about Orange kitties. And Stella is no exception.

Like most cats of her color, she is aloof and does her own thing. She was known here for taking off for days at a time. I would ask her if she was in her body to which she always replied “yes – but I’m busy!” And would abruptly tune me out without so much as a clue as to her whereabouts. But, just as I would begin to quietly worry, she’d show up as if nothing were wrong at all.

Stella and I had an interesting relationship. She was kept indoors as a kitten while her mom was on vacation and I was on kitty duty. She would hold this against me for the next year and a half. I had no idea at the time I was making her so angry. But this past summer, I was finally forgiven and even shown a little tenderness from the long legged, second story jumper. It became no secret that Stella did NOT want to be confined indoors.

This past fall, I lost one of my favorite cousins (they are all favorites actually) to cancer. At the time, I was staying with Stella, Easy, and their mom. I went to Alaska to be with family and the night I returned, I was exhausted. I had many messages and comments to pass along to family members from my cousin in spirit. He had things he wanted to say and make sure they knew. One of the reasons this blog has gone quiet for so long is that I’ve been experiencing the ability to speak with those on the other side of the veil. Humans now, not just animals. And my cousin kept me writing, texting, and emailing family for over a week.

But the night I returned to my temporary home, it truly hit me my cousin was gone. Yes I can talk with him, but you can’t hug energy. 

As I turned out the light to try and sleep, I felt an onslaught of emotion. I also felt there in the dark, a quiet long kitty. She carefully walked the space between me and the edge of the bed – turned and walked back. I held out my hand to smooth her soft fur. At first I thought it was Easy. It would be natural for him to and soothe my pain. But no – it was Stella. My “angry friend” was no longer mad at me and instead showed her love for me that I know now had been there all along. I was really touched and shed a tear or two that night. Some for my cousin and some for this sweet healer who was helping me to ground and get back “in my body” and be me again. I’ll never forget her midnight drive-by.

But yesterday they all departed. Mom, Easy, and Stella. As our friends moved all the boxes and furniture, I sat one last time with Stella and Easy in the bedroom, calming their nerves over all the noise going on in the rest of the house. It was lovely to spend some last quality hours with them before they left.

I know these two cats have a lot to share with the world over the changes that now encompass us all. I used to think that Easy was the born healer, a reincarnate of my friend’s cat in spirit – Miss Maddie. But now I believe that both kitties are special little souls here to help us with our transitions. And I don’t mean to spirit, I mean as we grow and change with where we will individually arrive as the 2012 shift quickly approaches.

I want to simply say a quick “see ya” to my special kitty friends and not say “good bye”. I know I’ll see them again, but I’ll miss our daily chats that used to be carried on in person. I’ll miss the wild round up of scared “gifts” for their mom, and I’ll especially miss their mom. One of those truly wonderful friends that come into your life every once in awhile. I hope you find what it is you need and want my dear. But I’m not worried. You have two of the best healers with you that anyone could ask for.

Love and Light to you all.

Swimming with the Dolphins

P1120880In 2008, I went on an adventure that turned out to be an “adventure of a lifetime.” I went to the Bahamas and swam with the dolphins on a eco-trip called Dolphin Expeditions.  It was facilitated by a teacher of mine, Penelope Smith, who has taught me many things and ways of communicating with animals. Little did I know, what happened that week would stay with me for the next three years.

I’d been drawn to swim with wild dolphins for years before I actually went. I wear a silver dolphin charm on a chain around my neck. I read about the dolphins and their special families whenever I find something new and exciting.  Before this trip, I had only “met” one dolphin who was in captivity. But the light in her eyes stayed with me. Penelope Smith, who is a world renowned animal communicator offered this journey, but I was one of two animal communicators in a group of twelve.  Two of us may have experienced animal communication before, but most everyone in the group received a special message from the dolphins.

And when I returned home, the first question everyone asked me was “what did the dolphins say to you?” Well, they didn’t really say anything. The experience of being in the water with them was so overwhelming that there was no chit-chat. I was in their world and they gave me plenty.

It’s funny to me when people tell me, (the one who was there) that “dolphins are aggressive and dangerous”. Because my experience was exactly the opposite. I have never been surrounded by so much love in my life.P1120818 The dolphins I encountered were curious as to who we were But there was never any fear. I was “checked out” carefully by several dolphins and felt and heard their “clicking” sounds as they swam around me. I felt a surge of light pass right through me – a small electric current. We were urged to swim with our arms at our sides, using only our fins to guide us through the water. The more still and “open” we were, the more the dolphins were likely to come to us. And it worked. Only sometimes one of the group would squeal with delight. Human and dolphin alike. It was over-the-top, amazing. The crew was even thrilled to encounter the dolphins and this is what they do for weeks all year long.

I’m not very good at guarding myself from intense energy.  I am very open and don’t always protect myself from the emotions and feelings of others. We all have energy that we emit and receive. Animals and humans. Some of us are more aware of it than others. I don’t do well in large crowds and it’s been theorized that since I’m psychic I pick up on all the energy flying around me: anxiety, stress, joy, fear, happiness, love – the list is endless. You can find all of these in any given group in any given place. I take it all in and don’t sort it out very well, but I’m learning. It has enabled me to learn and experience amazing things – like the dolphins. And it’s made me nuts – like shopping just before a holiday in a grocery store. I feel it all. Living in a rural area helps me to cope with the scant humans around me. I do much better with animals. And I did really well with dolphins.

We stayed 4 nights on the boat. We woke to the light blue waters of the ocean and swam in the water just after breakfast. We swam almost everyday with the dolphins and the experience changed me. Not one day has passed since then that I don’t find myself, eyes closed, remembering their special love and message. It wasn’t a verbal message, but a “knowing” that anyone who has swam with wild dolphins will identify with. They are definitely from another place than humans. They embody the love we all strive for. And their light is blinding.

And this may be the year I return. I can feel it. I want to go back on the same boat and visit the same dolphin family I met three years ago. And I want to go with the friend I met on the boat. We met the first day and never stopped talking about our experience. We talk a few times a week by phone now since we’re separated by a few thousand miles. I am smiling as I write this because I am almost sure that this is the year we will meet again and in our favorite place. I have a feeling the dolphins we met will remember us. Each night as I fall into sleep, I call them to me and say good night. And each night I dream of being back with them again.


photos from: Dolphin Expeditions copyright 2008