Comin’ Round the Dark Side of the Moon

On a unusually warm February afternoon in 2016,  my husband John flew from his debilitated body and into the spirit realm. After a very long battle with cancer and a marathon with our local hospice, nine months to be exact, he finally let go and went with the angels. I had a very different reaction than most. I believe it’s because of all I’ve learned from working with animals and humans who have transitioned.  But my immediate reaction as I understood what had happened was; “Oh my gosh! He’s experiencing the coolest things right now!” My outburst  frightened the caregiver brought in near the end to help me,  but I was truly happy for him. He was free.

An “Unusual” Guy

My “Bear” as I called him affectionately, was certainly one-of-a-kind. He was loved in our small beach community and always up to something. He was probbear_car_1ably one of our town’s best known pranksters. He drove an art car (many in our twenty five years together) and decorated them always  in a Dada theme. His April Fool’s day jokes are legendary in Cannon Beach, one elaborate prank was profiled on NPR. He loved music. He loved listening to it, playing it, and creating his own instruments. I guess he became bored with the twenty eight he could play proficiently. He did work as a combination musician/ mime artist. He was a strong voice on our City Council. And owned and operated Once Upon A Breeze kite shop, the oldest on the Oregon coast for over 40 years. He was brilliant, hysterically funny and could make me laugh out loud up until he couldn’t. But most of all, he was the love of my life.

During our twenty five years together he always had a project going so found nothing unusual or odd when I announced I was learning to communicate telepathically with animals. He was a little hesitant at first but said right away he’d keep an open mind. It wasn’t long before he became truly interested in what I was learning and was very supportive. I had my share of melt downs in those early days of learning AC, but he always had an encouraging word that helped me to get back on the horse. (scuse the pun). We each had dreams and encouraged the other to keep trying, keep at it, we had mutual respect for each other’s ambitions. We were a great team.

A Fun Life Together

We had, for a very long run what people dream of as the perfect beach life. Our kite shop did well through the 90’s and early ’00’s. We had what we needed.  I tried to start my professional animal communication business. And John “offended” some of the  neighbors with our yard decor. There were art cars in various stages of design and it didn’t quite fit with what many people decided was Cannon Beach. But John could have cared less. He always weddinghad some creative idea in his head of something no one had thought of and quietly carried it out. I swear. Half the time I had no idea what he was up to. We had what we needed and lots of lost kids wandered in and out of our lives looking for work. John always hired the best and each left our employment with a little better understanding of how to perform well at a job and more importantly: not to take life too seriously. I didn’t totally see this until after he was gone and the kids began returning to visit me. All of those visits started out a little teary and ended in laughter. I had no idea he collected Beanie Babies so he could launch them over our kite shop via potato gun and land them in the park so the kids would have toys raining from the sky. He carried a huge box of small toys in his car and local kids would come running when they saw him headed up the street as if he were the Ice Cream truck, in order to get a toy. John loved every minute and it would take us a very long time to make a five minute drive. No kid was left empty handed.

The Times Were A Changin’

In the late 2000’s we were hit hard by the recession. Suddenly kites were no longer a wanted commodity. Instead of a kite for each child in the family, it was one kite per family. Admittedly, we didn’t see this coming as we were more focused on John’s health. After his prostate was removed in ’01, he hadn’t made it to the golden five year cancer free mark, but instead it was back and it meant business.  It was the beginning of a very stressful period for me. I did my best to get him into the best doctors. I made phone calls to doctors I knew and trusted, and I stayed off the Internet.  John was such a great sport. He remained upbeat through all the long procedures. He made the nurses laugh. He was who he was, and he wasn’t giving in without a fight.  As his health declined, my to-do list increased. He no longer could do the simple everyday things that a couple splits in order to keep a home and business running, most of that fell to me. And with my plate becoming more full by the day, I had to temporarily drop my dream of becoming a professional animal communicator.

“After his prostate was removed in ’01, he hadn’t made it to the golden five year cancer free mark, but instead it was back and it meant business.”

At some point during those years, John got me a bookkeeper to help relieve some of the  stress from me. It didn’t work out well. She talked John into refinancing our home and we qualified for a rather large home equity loan. Nice thought. Wrong choices. I eventually let her go and found a mess of sorts awaiting my return. I’ve never been one to place blame on others, so I did my best to pick up where she left off but it was a little late. We were in serious danger of losing our home. Our business was now limping along instead of predictably sailing along. And John’s health continued to decline.

The Wheels Come Off

In the spring of 2015 two things became very clear. We were going to lose our home of twenty five years, and I was going to lose my Bear. So as his doctor suggested we put John on home hospice care. I redesigned our living room, we got all the new equipment we needed, and so began the long good-bye. I’m not going to go into great detail about this portion since most of it is personal between John and me. But at the same time I was “enduring” loss after loss, I was also becoming more proficient in talking with humans who have transitioned to spirit. This was somewhat comforting to me as I knew my journey with John would not change in some ways. And I had a plan. I was going to be fine.

The Best Made Plans

By June of ’16 I had been moved out of our home and into a much smaller one, with Jack our kitty. Not only was reality setting in, I watched poor little Jack go through a long grieving process. I tried to explain and help him but really? We were both in a daze and stayed that way. This wasn’t part of the plan.

You think you know who will be there for you and who probably won’t as you move through these major life events. I was surprised and kind of shocked that my two “best friends” disappeared from my life. To me, it was just more loss on top of loss. But John was there. Anytime I would melt into tears I could clearly hear him telling me not to cry in that sweet voice I remember so well.  One night in an attempt to cheer me, he told me now he could travel the speed of light and was quite excited about it. Then added “but I don’t have to, I am light.”  I can hear him, but you can’t cuddle with energy. I miss him everyday.

But just because the people I thought would be here, weren’t, those roles were filled by other friends who have literally carried me through the past year. They’re local friends and now have permanent places in my heart. Because without them, I don’t know how I would have made it through this Year of the Fog.  And that’s the best description I can muster. My memory was shot, I was totally exhausted, and had lost over 30 pounds.

One night in an attempt to cheer me, he told me now he could travel the speed of light and was quite excited about it. Then added “but I don’t have to, I am light.”

I can’t say enough, or find the words to those (who know who they are) how much they helped John and me, and then Jack and me. The beauty of a small town is that yes, everybody knows everybody else, but at times like these it can make you feel warm and loved. Not as lost as you might feel in a large city. I have the beach close by and try to get down there, after all, I’m healing in one of the most beautiful places on the planet. But even that has left me feeling a void.

I started out this series of posts to work through my losses, and if you’ve been keeping count, it’s quite a bit. (See stories published since 2016) My husband, our house, my dogs, my cat, and yes even my childhood  best friend. But one thing I’ve held onto through all of this: I know I’m going to be all right. I know I’ll get back to “me” and living  my passion. And in just the past month or so this has turned out to be true.

Comin’ Round The Moon

My family has been amazing. I have a lot of catching up to do with their lives as I’ve been taking all the attention. But my brother, the guy who grew up two years away from me turns out has probably known me best all along.  I’ve spent a lot of time with him this past year. He had the perfect analogy for these past few years and shared it with me recently in the following story:

“remember when we were kids and the lunar module would go behind the moon? And for about eight minutes we’d be out of touch with the astronauts? And everyone on earth would hold their breath until they’d once again, come around the dark side of the moon and we could hear their voices and knew they were fine.  Do you remember that?  Well that’s you Leese! That’s you!  You’re comin’ around the dark side of the moon!”

That’s good little brother.






Packy 1962-2016

Note from me: I grew up just blocks from the Oregon Zoo and remember the birth of Packy the elephant. His mother Belle, a wise soul,  has been in spirit a long time and has spoken to animal communicators before with a message similar to her son. As I was having my morning coffee, I realized I was hearing a message from Packy. And here is what he said. 


“I was born into a very excited world. I was the first Asian elephant to be bred in the United States. I have learned that now, but  didn’t know when I was in my body. It was a strange way to live, never leaving the same area year after year. Strolling into the yard where sometimes I would be alone and others find many humans screaming at me. I felt their love, but didn’t like the way I was greeted. Imagine the confusion of a young elephant!  One day alone to inspect my small area and see if there had been any changes and on another, a huge crowd of humans. It was difficult and a lot of times, no escape back into our small barn.

My mother told me stories about the world of free elephants. She told me these stories about being free over and over again, so she would not forget. Tales of wandering from one place to another. Sometimes they’d travel for days, seeing different sights along the way, never the same thing twice. They were a large family who lived and loved together and they knew their land well. One day there was much confusion. Humans had found their sanctuary! Her family was terrified and ran in all directions. But my mother and several others were trapped. She was so scared. She had no idea what was happening. She found herself on a very long journey. Her trip was long and difficult, sometimes no food or water for days. And then she found herself in a world where she was caged. She had hoped in my lifetime I would be sent back to our family so far away. She’d tell me the stories of being free when I was young so that I would never forget. And I never did. I longed to meet our family even if the journey should take my life. That’s how much it meant to me.

We are not just elephants. We are a thinking, problem solving, family loving community, such as humans.

The thing I looked most forward to during my days,  were my bird friends. They’d come to me in my  area and tell me about what was outside the walls I could never see or breach. I saw through their eyes the trees, the animals free in the woods. They kept me entertained and I am grateful to them for their  visits and descriptions of the world around me.

Do not be sad for me! I have been freed from a body that was not working. I have roamed a small area for many earth years. We are not just elephants. We are a thinking, problem solving, family loving community, such as humans. There truly is little difference in our familial culture. I love my mom, (Belle)  she came to get me when I reached the Rainbow Bridge. I was so happy to see her again. And now our goal is to guide elephants who are still in their bodies through their plight. Whether it be the ones in captivity like we were, or those who still roam free but with great risk and danger. Most elephants in captivity do not have good lives. There are a few places on the earth that honor elephants, but not nearly enough. We do what we can from here to protect our elephant families. But humans have special equipment that find elephants in the wild. Elephants don’t have special equipment. We only have the senses God gave us originally. So elephants on the earth plane have a great deal more danger in their lives, than they did when I first came to the earth plane.


My message to all who can hear me from my spirit body: be kind to each other, be especially kind to the animals. There is nothing great about a life in a small area that doesn’t feel normal to our feet. There is nothing great about screaming humans who see our giant bodies roaming through our yard. There is nothing amazing about being kept separate from your family and friends for the safety of humans. Had I been able to roam free and experience the natural things that should have been my life. I didn’t have those things. Just stories from my mother.

I hope all humans will think about my message. And I thank you Lisa for sending it for me. I love you all for showing me so much attention and love. But it’s time for humans to love all elephants as they loved me. It’s time to show that love by allowing elephants live in the places they were meant to. I hope that my time on the earth plane helped to bring some awareness to the plight of animals and especially elephants, and the need to show them love and respect by letting us to live free lives with our natural families.”

Don’t Want To Talk Politics, but…

This isn’t going to be a space where I talk about my feelings on politics. At some point we all need to get away from it. But this is really a sad story.

The USDA for years has been keeping a list of reputable dog breeders in the US. They’ve also made notes of people who claim to be breeders and are not. And what’s wrong with that? A lot. The first thing that comes to mind is a dog I worked with many years ago. He was not even a year old and had so many health issues. My client was of Korean descent and I believe the “breeder” took advantage of her English which wasn’t perfect. It became more than obvious as Chewy’s story unfolded that he had been a victim of a non licensed, greedy dog breeder. My best guess his that he over-bred the mother until her puppies began to show signs of illness.

This story about what the Trump administration has done is equally awful. We need to have good access to the list of puppies and their breeders. Not by a written request that can take months, we need that information at the click of a mouse.  Like it was two weeks ago. Please, call your congress men and women and tell them to get this list reinstated.

Thank you, I’ll get off my high horse. It just really makes me mad after what dogs like Chewy went through. And will now continue to go though.

Zoe 2008-2014

It was a stunningly clear night on the coast. During the summer after the sun sets, the fog races in and blankets us in much cooler temperatures. But on some nights, such was this, not only were the skies crystal clear, but we also had a full moon. The kind that is so big and bright you can make giant moon shadows. It was a peaceful, gorgeous night. But I had a sudden chill. I immediately thought of Zoe. My little feral kitty who had considered me her main food source for over five years. From the beginning we had a deal:  she would have a safe meal at my home every night, but I would never try to trap or even touch her. Reluctantly I agreed.

She was dumped here during some very cold weather in 2009. A neighbor saw Zoe dragging herself towards her bird bath. The water was frozen so my friend had put out birdseed for the birds. Zoe wasn’t going for the birds, she was trying to share their meal since she was starving. It’s not the first time we’ve had to deal with animals being dumped here on the coast, left to fend for themselves. Many city folk bring their animals back to nature. Mainly because they aren’t cute and little anymore, but I digress….

We chose a vacant house that was several houses away where we had found her. I sat and told her one afternoon (from a safe distance) that her food would be placed somewhere new the following day. The original set-up wasn’t working. So in my mind, I sent her a mental picture of where in the neighborhood her food would be. The next day she showed up at the house I had showed her and enjoyed a quiet meal. This worked out great until the house sold and we were notified that we’d have to move Zoe again. But again, after a talk from a safe distance away, she showed up the next day on my front porch where she’d enjoy her meals once a day for the next 5 years. Some days I would forget and realize suddenly that she had waited sometimes for hours for me to feed her. She rarely announced herself, just patiently waited until I noticed her. But we stuck to our deal. She would trust me to feed her, but I never touched her, or cuddled with her. She had some really serious trust issues that I chose to respect those rather than trap her and terrify her in some well-meaning human’s home. And why is that a bad idea?

She had some really serious trust issues that I chose to respect, rather than trap her and terrify her in some well-meaning human’s home.

We have many coyotes that roam the back neighborhoods and even the downtown area in the early evenings and early mornings, searching for a “quick meal”. The kitties who live with me may go out during the day but never at night because it’s not “if”, it’s “when”. And if you live almost anywhere including the city anymore, you too are at risk for this trauma.

On that moonlit night in the summer of 2014, her bright white beacon coat shining in the night, after years of fighting the elements, escaping from the animals wishing to do her harm, my sweet aloof Zoe chose to give her body for nourishment to the coyote. It’s the predator/prey agreement. I know this in my head and let’s be real. It also totally broke my heart. And it was the cause of the sudden chill on a beautiful summer’s night.

We discovered after losing Zoe, many other neighbor cats also went missing. Since no one heard a sound, we believe it was a lone coyote. But I also think Zoe was tired of her daily fight. Her life was filled with anxiety, feeling only comfortable when sleeping in our back yard in the sun.

She had some really serious trust issues that I chose to respect rather than trap her and terrify her in some well-meaning human’s home. I chose instead to let her live her life the way she chose. zoe_blue_1 I worried about her out in the stormy weather and in the snow. And of course I worried about the predators. It’s a scary world for many animals whether they’re cared for very well, or if we have to make some adjustments for the way we love them. For Zoe I believe I made the choices for her (the few that I could) in a way that made her happy. I know I am blessed to have had her in my life. It gave me yet another angle for working with animal clients and their humans. There are those we love without a home. Yes. But for some, these are better lives. We need only listen to their choices and follow their leads.

I’ve rarely advocated for all an outdoor cat. It’s simply too dangerous, where ever you live. But if an animal comes to you young enough, there is really no problem with having an indoor/outdoor cat. But for some cats that are filled with too much fear – well we just work around that problem as humans.

Eddy 1997-2015

In the spring of 1997 my husband John asked me to marry him. It was a very exciting and unexpected moment. My world had suddenly changed from living together with the love of my life, to The Big Step. I said “yes” of course. A few days later a teenage mama kitty and her baby showed up at our kite shop.  They had been dumped and Breeze (the mama kitty) had made her way to our door. At the time we had a cat, and for those who’ve read my blog may recall  Bart.  Introducing two eddy_7_13_a new kitties into the mix, just wasn’t going to work. Instead our kite shop became the home of my “identical girls”. When they first showed up, a neighbor suggested that Eddy was male. She was only six weeks old and had markings that indicated that she might be a he was possible.  I named her after a style of kite. An eddy kite is a diamond that doesn’t require a tail.  She was adorable and very young. It soon became apparent that she was also very shy. She eddy_kittenwould allow only her mama Breeze and me to be around her unconditionally and she imprinted on me right away. For the next ten years I would travel the five minutes from my doorstep to our shop in order to feed the girls and let them in or out.  Many times Eddy refused to come in for me. We have coyotes that visit frequently so I’d stubbornly spend several hours trying to coax Eddy out from under the shop and safely into her home. It got so frustrating that I called an animal communicator.  I was nervous about leaving town because she wouldn’t come in for anyone but me.  And even that sometimes took awhile.I had never worked with an animal communicator and was fascinated with everything she correctly told me about not only Eddy, but my other two kids as well. I was amazed. I was also very curious and thus began my personal journey. I would learn that I too was able to speak with animals in a clear and detailed way.  I’ve always been grateful to Eddy for introducing me to this rewarding career.


After Bart went to spirit, we brought the girls home for retirement. They spent ten years showing guests around our shop and building their own fan club. But at the age of ten, they were ready for a change. Imagine their surprise and delight to discover beds, quilts, pillows, and the new treat of sleeping with mom and dad.  Eddy never did really take to John. He adored cats and tried his best to encourage her to sit with him but she rarely did. She was a mama’s girl.


In the spring of 2015 John was admitted to hospice. He had a long battle with cancer and requested he transition at home, with me and our kitties. Breeze left us several years ago and Eddy never really recovered. We got her a kitten (as suggested by Breeze) but around us, she seemed miserable with the young male. But I watched her teach him how to navigate the woods. She sat on the deck and I eavesdropped as she instructed young Jack where was a good place to hunt, hide, or simply watch over the yard. She’s been the shy girl all her life but also took her role as The Elder Kitty seriously and tried to teach Jack what she had learned.

Sometimes in life we have to do things we think are impossible. And somehow we pull off the impossible. I know I did the right thing for her, but it still breaks my heart.

By the fall of 2015, it became obvious that Eddy wasn’t very  happy. She had health issues and insisted on being fed constantly. And the way she asked was a loud shriek that would make anyone with in hearing distance jump a mile. She shrieked day and night for food. But I realized too that she was insistent on helping me with my tough task of caring for John. She was going to stay in her body until I was ok and John had transitioned safely. It was too much to ask of her. So, on my birthday (not fun) I sent Eddy to be with her mama. I still feel guilty that I chose this route. I never thought it was something I could do. But ultimately this was the best decision for her. I was crushed. But Eddy?

The morning after she transitioned, I awoke to little giggles. Yes giggles. I heard my girls and they were sending me the message that all was right in their world. Reunited again, the two of them continue to send messages…… and giggles.

I still struggle with my decision to send my sweet girl onto her next journey. It was a really rough time for our family and I know I made the best choice at the time. She has no resentment towards me, in fact she’s very happy to be with Breeze again. I always thought of them as one soul in two bodies. And I think of it as making that soul whole again.

Sometimes in life we have to do things we think are impossible. And somehow we pull off the impossible.  I know I did the right thing for her, but it still breaks my heart.

She lived nineteen good years with me, as my little shadow. My shy sweet girl who lit the path for my animal communication journey.  My Eddy.


My Journey Back to Me

Life throws big time curve balls sometimes. But if you keep a candle burning through the darkness, you will find your way back to the light.

The past few years have been  difficult for me. And I want to tell my story, even though it may be a little disjointed, in the coming months. I have a lot to share and hopefully some of what I have learned will help others. My animal communication has thrown me a lifeline. I am taking clients again. I miss the animals and their humans who love them. I want to get back to what it is I am here for. And in the meantime, I will share my stories of learning to  let go of my family and the love that follows, even though they no longer have their physical body’s. I have always known life happens for a reason. It’s my intention to share my experience and in hopes that my story will help theirs.  Through writing I know I always discover more about myself.

*There is always a candle burning brightly to help us find our way back to the light.

(*guided as I finished this message.)

Love and Light


Saying Goodbye: Part One


As I think back it’s stunning. Truly stunning. I’ve experienced a lot of loss. For the past two years, I’ve been saying good bye to many friends and loved ones, all close to home. I pwant to write a series on my journey back to wholeness. I want to share the sad moments as well as the magical gifts I’ve had since, for there is a lot of love beyond the grief.

Although he didn’t leave the earth for me chronologically, Zeke (2003-1015) is the one who has had the most impact on my animal loss. He crossed suddenly, didn’t say a word to me beforehand. He quietly slipped away one night in his sleep. I have been to our special beach  exactly once, alone, on a quiet afternoon. He was very present to where I could swear I saw him running along with me as I walked. The hardest part being true for us all, they are with us anytime we call on them, but their physical presence is the part that we miss so much.


One thing I’ve finally learned is that each day is a gift. Each day with our animal friends, is an amazing gift. And although that would be a lovely greeting card – it really is true. Their lives are much shorter than ours. We know that.  We fall in love anyway. And in the end it’s  always worth it. Every minute of every adventure. Zeke’s all over this blog as I proclaimed my love to the world for him. He was, and always will be my dog. My dearest friend. He’s happy where he is too. No promises of coming back to the earth plane anytime soon. And I get it, and it’s fine


About a year before we lost Zeke, Big Al (2000-2014) was finished with his long life here. His big old body was done, but he’d eat a cookie if offered, right until  the end . Unlike Zeke, Al called to me a few times (as some of my elder animal friends do) and asked to be sent home. It was a lovely late summer afternoon. Many of Al’s “flying friends” were about to pay their respects. Those of us who he loved the most all spoke quietly with him. We took turns and had some special words with him. He was a friend to all animals and a presence for humans to work around. As much as I loved Al, he was breathtakingly large. His eyes showed distrust of strangers and most would back way off. It made me giggle because under that mask was a little old man who was set in his ways. It’s a good reminder that the “packaging” of an animal or a human for that matter, has little to do with who is inside. Al taught me so much. He and Bart were the first to help me learn animal communication. Their love and loyalty are still with me today. Your animal friends who you don’t think are near – are really a call away. I will always love and remember you “Big Guy”.

“It’s a good reminder that the ‘packaging’ of an animal or a human for that matter has little to do with who is inside.”

But there was a moment on my first walk with Zeke in his energy form, that let me know he was there.zeke_agate Our beaches are thick with sand right now. The changes from El Nino to La Nina have wreaked a little havoc and after each storm, the usual goodies are harder to find. But as I was nearing the trail for my hike off the beach, I heard a distinct voice say “You like shiny rocks…don’t you.” It was a statement more than a question and two steps later I found this beauty. I  walked to a backdrop of rocks to shoot a photo and show its beautiful distinct qualities. But I found it in dry sand. That’s never happened before. The question followed by an agate? Yes.That has happened to me before.

It is the magic that is helping me to move forward. There is much more to my story. But as I start back  I’ve been truly blessed by knowing these two great dogs who played such important roles in my life when they walked the earth plane.

My Angel Helpers

6_14_14a Over the years I have met and been privileged to work with hundreds of animals. I recently looked at the shelf which is now lined with many notebooks full of wonderful interactions with the special souls sent to work with me. All animals are unique and fun for me to get to know. I know I’ve helped to reshape the lives of many. But my passion is helping both human and animal prepare for the animal’s journey to spirit. I was once asked by a “famous” animal communicator why I would choose a “specialty” instead of advertising that I work with all animals, in all shapes and forms (I do). The answer is quite simple: it’s an honor to be a part of this private and very special time for both my human client and their animal friends.
Chelsea_angel But I am human. And there are some animals I’ve felt closer to. This is Chelsea. She and her humans moved into the home up the street many years ago. They were a pack of three humans, and a pack of three Portuguese Water dogs. And Chelsea? Well she became one of my favorite dogs. Although I love all three of “the girls”, there was something very special about her.

A lot of animals I work with use words, show me “pictures” and feelings in my body – at the speed of light. It’s a sit-back-and-wait experience for me as I put all their information into a linear way to pass on to their humans. But Chelsea was unique in that she always used words, and always spoke very slowly. As her sisters danced around me hoping for a treat, Chels would always sit back and wait, then ask for slowly if she could have a treat too.

Sadly in April, Chelsea joined her sister Ellie in spirit. Now there is one still in her body with the family and two in spirit. I was so grateful that on the morning of her last day on the earth plane, her mom called and asked if I’d like to come see Chelsea for what would be the last time. I felt honored to come and see her that day, not all humans can share the last precious moments with their animals.

6_14_14bWhen she arrived into the spirit world, she was greeted by her sister. Ellie was always the cheerleader. She was one of those dogs that would say and show me things at the speed of light. But we were all very happy to know that Ellie would be greeting Chelsea. A few days later, Chelsea told me she was getting along just fine, that she was enjoying the freedom from her ailing body, and had been told by Ellie that she could join my team, and added after a few minutes “whatever that means”. She was excited to be included but had no idea of what my “team” was and what her new role would be.

My Angel Team

Zeke_PA_3 Ever since my cat Bart went to spirit, we worked out (and by “we” I mean “he” told me this was how it would be) a deal. When I had a new client in spirit, the night before I was to work with them, I’d ask Bart to please locate the animal for me. In their new spirit body he’d have them ready to talk with me the following morning. Every time I’d tune in, and there would be heaven’s newest angel and Bart. I would thank Bart and he’d go back whatever he was doing. As time went on, I had more good animal friends leaving the earth plane and crossing the Rainbow Bridge. And everybody wanted to help. I’m not sure if Bart recruited them, or if they found out about this very helpful part of my work through some other means. And now I have a team of Angel helpers who do so much more for the animal who has just left their body and are searching for the Rainbow Bridge.
Bart_spirit Recently I had a client ask me to take the journey with her dog. After a long and full life, this sweet wonderful soul was ready to go home. So I enlisted my best team of four: Bart (cat) Breeze (cat) Ellie (dog) and Chelsea (dog). It was Chelsea’s first time escorting an animal to the Rainbow Bridge. She did such an amazing job! She has only been in spirit a short time herself, but here she was, like an old pro, gently guiding the dog to the bridge that would lead him to the spirit world. I was a little choked up after it was over. It was a beautiful sight.

I’ve helped quite a few animals as they leave their body and make sure they find their way to the bridge. For all, it’s an instinctual journey. Animals know when they are going home, and I suppose the same is true with humans. They seem to know institutionally how to get there too. It’s a fairly short jaunt from when they leave their body and arrive at the bridge. They are always met by animals they knew in this lifetime or a past lifetime. The reunion is a joy to watch. Typically they visit a bit, and then heaven’s newest angel crosses the Rainbow Bridge with some old familiar friends.

I wouldn’t change what I am gifted to observe for anything.

It’s truly a joyous moment. I’m honored and grateful that I can observe these reunions and watch as they walk the bridge to the other side, where they are free from their typically ailing bodies.

I wouldn’t change what I am gifted to observe for anything.

Note: The Rainbow Bridge is the bridge to the spirit world for animals. You can read the original poem, here

My Dogs, a Surprise on the Beach and The Angel

This is Al and Zeke. I call them “my dogs” but truth be told, they’re not. They belong to my good friends. But we have certainly had many misadventures together.
0304091526a Al is now a bit elderly and can’t walk the beach the way he used to. There is an interesting story about how Al brought Zeke to us, and I wrote about here, so you can catch up on how these “brothers” came to be together again. They have had more than a few lifetimes together, and once Zeke was fully grown, they put me through many adrenaline rushes.

As an animal communicator, I’m frequently asked by clients and friends if I can make their dog stop barking at every little thing. The answer is “no” because when dogs turn into “dog”, there’s not a lot I can do about it. All dogs, from Pomeranian to Great Dane will roll in dead things on the beach of in the woods because it’s a wolf trait they still carry. Wolves will roll in dead animals and take the scent back to the pack. This is a way other wolves know that there is food nearby. But I digress. The point is, as an animal communicator, I can’t convince your dog that rolling in dead animals is not OK. They do what they want to when they are in “dog mode” and like us, they have free will.

But several years ago, I had a rather terrifying experience when the boys went into “dog mode”. We were on the beach taking a morning walk. There was a section of the beach where I was trying to train them to walk on a leash. I wanted Zeke in particular to learn this so I could take him into town, or get him away from danger. Well needless to say: he hated it. He would whirl and spin, scratch, and turn into a drama star. He didn’t like the leash at all, but I tried to explain to him why I was doing this. He didn’t get it back then, but will walk on a leash with me now. Repetition and treats pay off.

We had arrived at the place where I would walk them one at a time on a leash. I did it with Al too although he didn’t really mind this unless he got excited. In his prime he weighed close to 120 pounds and trying to stop him while on a leash was not only nearly impossible, he would really make my shoulders sore after he’d win the battle pulling me in the direction he wanted to go in.

It was mid-February, and I had Al on the leash as Zeke explored up by some beach debris. He began barking “at a log” I saw lying on the beach. I thought it was just Zeke’s “puppy energy” and didn’t think anything of it. Knowing he was about to be set free, Al sat patiently waiting to be set free. So I called to Zeke to come back to me, which he did, and I set Al free. He too went up to the log and began barking at it. And then……the log blinked at me.
gearh_babyfurseal I looked again and couldn’t believe what I was seeing, it was a baby seal who had been left on the beach by its mother while she went to seek food in the surf. It’s not at all uncommon for Mama Seals to do this. They take their babies to a safe place while they return to the sea for food, then they retrieve them later. But I was in a heck of a mess. I had one dog, very excited and pulling very hard, and the other barking and circling the pup with a lot of enthusiasm. The pup was terrified, kept blinking and said “help me” in a quiet voice.

I had one dog, very excited and pulling very hard, and the other barking and circling the pup with a lot of enthusiasm.

I was really in a bind. I was alone, no one else on the beach, and had this “situation.” Zeke was pulling hard now wanting to join his brother torture the baby seal. Al was getting more excited by the moment, and was circling the helpless baby. And I knew if I tried to walk Zeke over and grab Al, it would be all over for the baby seal. They would kill it. They’re not vicious dogs, but the excitement would turn into something awful if I let them both near the baby.

I had recently read a book called “Messengers of Light” by Terry Lynn Taylor. In the book she talks about angels and how they are always nearby to help us with anything we might need. It had worked for me before, (nothing as scary as this) and left with few, no options, I chose to try it again.

So I yelled out loud “If there’s an angel within the sound of my voice, turn that dog around right now (please)!” And it was like magic. Within seconds, Al turned from the baby and trotted over to me. Then the three of us left.

I didn’t know what startled me more, the “blinking log” or the helpful angel who I quietly thanked over and over again as we headed back down the beach. To the dogs? It was like nothing exciting had happened. They acted as if there was no baby seal and we returned to my car all unscathed. Especially the sweet baby seal. And I never connected with the Angel. She was there and gone.

I haven’t seen any more babies on that beach since that day. I don’t think the mama seals drop their babies there anymore because it has become a more popular beach. But this is a normal practice. And should you ever come across one, leave it alone. It has not been abandoned, it has been left in a safe place (typically beaches where there aren’t many humans) so mom can get some food in order to feed her baby.

The Agate


My dog Zeke and I often hit the beach in the early mornings so that we can be the first to find agates. It’s a pastime where I live and so I too have caught the “agate bug”, showing some of what I’ve found on this blog. It was foggy but not rainy, and not too cold. We set out on our typical walk that we take on our favorite beach. Zeke did his thing and I did mine.

Zeke’s “thing” is to run along the beach close to the rocks. He likes to sniff out other animals, mark logs that have previously been marked, and my favorite: roll in something dead. I know why he does this, but still, it’s hard to love on him and pet him when he stinks.

I went on this walk specifically because I had something to consider. It was a new job, talking with a human in spirit. A friend of this man had asked me to check in with him to see if all was well. I wasn’t so sure that this was something I could do, because up until this point I had only talked with humans who had crossed over-that I knew in life. I wasn’t sure I had the potential to speak with a “stranger in spirit”, for lack of a better term. So I had to walk and think it over. And where better to do it? The beach. And who better to talk it over with? Zeke. Although Zeke is very special to me, this wasn’t in his list of things he could advise me on. So I let him do his thing as we walked and I began mulling.

Zeke_ocean As I watched Zeke in the water, I asked my spirit guide if I was indeed moving in the direction I was being pointed in: talking with humans who have crossed over. She didn’t answer, but another voice did. It was that of the man I had been asked to talk to.

It amazed me that he was there, so fast, without any ceremony, quiet meditation, none of that. He simply popped in and started to talk with me. And to be honest, I don’t remember a lot of what he said. 1) because I was so surprised and 2) I rarely remember anything that is passed from me to the client. I can’t hold all that information and besides: the message isn’t for me, it’s for the person seeking information. Agate_blog_6

He seemed just fine as I walked and we visited. He spoke using words which is an important distinction. Animals will show you in any way they think you will understand them. This can be in words, “pictures”, and feelings in my body. But he simply talked with me. And laughed. I remember his distinct laugh. Like that of someone having fun. I continued walking and listened to what he had to say. He was interested in working with me in order to let friends know he was OK. I felt almost like he had chosen me. It was an odd feeling like “well of course I’ll talk to you, I’ve checked YOU out and you seem like a good person for me to share with.” So I listened and he continued to laugh and talk about well, everyday stuff. Only “in spirit” everyday stuff.

Animals will show you in any way they think you will understand them. This can be in words, “pictures” and feelings in my body.

The beaches have been covered in sand the past two winters. When there is more sand, there are fewer agates. I can count on one hand the agates I found last winter that were worth keeping. And this winter has been worse. We have had mild weather and few storms. And the storms we’ve had have brought more sand to the hunting grounds so anything we find is a “keeper”. The agates are buried deep below our feet. And they are scarce to find during a good winter. We may come home with 5-10 good agates in a good year. But the past two? We’ve struggled to find one.

That’s why what happened next blew me away.

I had started walking up by the rocks to search for agates as we talked. I wasn’t really sure if I was truly speaking with this man or if I was making it up. As an animal communicator, I know that what I receive from animals isn’t “made up”. I’ve had enough experience and validation to know that the words, symbols, pictures, etc. from animals, are truly what they’re saying. But with humans in spirit? I wasn’t so confident yet. After all, this was the first “encounter” I’d had with someone in spirit whom I’d never met in life.

He said to me “you like shiny rocks don’t you?” And I replied, “Agates? Yes I love to find agates.” And he said “well you’re about to find one in just a few steps. If I show it to you, will you believe it’s really me?” I didn’t really believe what I’d heard, but not 5 steps away was a stream. Not one with a lot of rocks in it, just a stream that was sending water run-off from the land to the beach. And there, in the middle of this not-really-a-stream, was the most beautiful agate I’ve seen in years! I was totally blown away. I felt I should thank the man because not only did he “predict” I would find it, but it was beautiful. It appeared like a full moon in the water. And given the gray day where the color of the sky and the ocean matched, it was truly a stunning agate that was still shining brightly in my hand.

Then I stopped. I got a little chill as I realized: I was talking with the man in spirit who I had been asked to inquire about. And it was as easy as talking with a neighbor over the fence. I didn’t contact him, he contacted me. He knew I was the “designated medium” so he made it very easy for me.

We had many more chats after that. I felt I should be on the beach when I talked with him because it was so easy for me. I don’t know why this was the perfect place for us to chat other than he loved being in nature as much as I do. And as we talked, he became more and more specific about events in his life, where he was now, and what lay ahead for him.

And I knew that what lies ahead for me is really exciting. I can talk with humans in spirit, and so far with the jobs I’ve had, with relative ease.

As we left the beach, I said to Zeke, “That was a good walk huh buddy?” And he replied “Yes mom, but you weren’t here.” He was implying that I had been in a different dimension than he as we took one of our “regular” walks. A walk I won’t ever forget.
